Belgium in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Address and opening hours Contact details, opening hours, closing days and access map of our Embassy in Canberra. Consular services In this section, you will find information about your registration, how to apply for an identity card or passport, etc. Make an appointment online Make an appointment online via e-Appointment. Honorary consulates All practical information about our honorary consulates in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific. Travelling in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific All the useful information if you are travelling to Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific. Frequently asked questions Frequently asked questions on passports, registration, nationality, visa, notary acts, and general information. Visa for Belgium All information on applying for a visa to Belgium. Passport Information about the Belgian passport. Electronic identity card and Kids-ID Information on the electronic identity card and Kids-ID. Biometric missions Tentative schedule for the biometric missions for the year 2025. Forms Forms for Belgian nationals living abroad. Consular fees Overview of our consular fees. Satisfaction survey This survey will only take a few minutes. The results will help us to improve our services in the future. Thank you for taking part Satisfaction survey Biometric missions Tentative schedule for the biometric missions for the year 2025. Make an appointment online Belgian clubs in Australia and New Zealand Honorary consulates Consular services
Address and opening hours Contact details, opening hours, closing days and access map of our Embassy in Canberra.
Consular services In this section, you will find information about your registration, how to apply for an identity card or passport, etc.
Honorary consulates All practical information about our honorary consulates in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific.
Travelling in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific All the useful information if you are travelling to Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific.
Frequently asked questions Frequently asked questions on passports, registration, nationality, visa, notary acts, and general information.